Academic Title:
Associate Professor
Primary Appointment:
Phone (Primary):
To make an appointment: 410-448-6400
Phone (Secondary):
Administrative Assistant: 667-214-1532
Education and Training
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, MD
Yale-New Haven Hospital, Internship in Orthopaedic Surgery
Yale-New Haven Hospital, Residency in Orthopaedic Surgery
Stanford University Medical Center, Fellowship in Sports Medicine
Research/Clinical Keywords
ACL tears; Arthroscopic surgery; Cartilage restoration and transplantation; Glenoid labrum repair; Knee injuries; Knee ligament, cartilage, and meniscus surgery; ligament repair and reconstruction; Meniscus repair; Meniscus transplant; Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP); Shoulder injuries; Shoulder Instability; Sports medicine; Tendon repair and reconstruction
Highlighted Publications
Packer JD, Bedi A, Fox AJ, Fasinu S, Imhauser CW, Stasiak M, Deng X, Rodeo SA. Effect of immediate and delayed high strain loading on tendon-to-bone healing after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2014:7;96(9):770-777. [May] PMID: 24806014
Packer JD, Chang WT, Dragoo JL. The use of vibrational energy to isolate adipose-derived stem cells. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2018;11:6(1):e1623. [January] PMID: 29464159.
Packer JD, Varthi AG, Zhu DS, Javier FG, Young JD, Garver JV, Henry H, Tommasini SM, Blaine TA. Ibuprofen impairs capsulolabral healing in a rat model of anterior glenohumeral instability. J Shoulder Elbow Surg, 2018;27(2):315-324 [February] PMID:29195899.
Guo T, Noshin M, Baker HB, Taskoy E, Meredith SJ, Tang Q, Ringel JP, Lerman MJ, Chen Y, Packer JD, Fisher JP. 3D printed biofuntionalized scaffolds for microfracture repair of cartilage defects. Biomaterials, 2018;185:219-231. [December] PMID: 30248646.
Jauregui JJ, Wu ZD, Meredith S, Griffith C, Packer JD, Henn RF III. How should we secure our transplanted meniscus? A meta-analysis. Am J Sports Med 2017 [Epub ahead of print, August 1].