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Neurology - Primary Faculty

  • Ahmad, Haroon , MD, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: Glioblastoma, Glioma, Immunotherapy, meningioma, checkpoint inhibitor, Car-T, Oligodendroglioma, Astrocytoma, CNS Lymphoma, Metastases, Pilocytic astrocytoma, pleomorphic xanthrocytoma, High Grade Glioma, Low Grade Glioma, Radiation Therapy, Proton
  • Akano, Emmanuel O., MBBS, Adjunct Instructor
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  • Alasadi, Yazan , BA, Research Fellow
  • Amin, Idris , MD, Assistant Professor
    To make an appointment: 410-448-6400
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    Keywords: Musculoskeletal medicine, Ultrasound Injections, Diagnostic Ultrasound, Sports Medicine, Regenerative Medicine, Orthobiologics, Osteoarthritis, Joint Pain, Tendinitis, Tendon Pain, Muscle Pain, Sports Injuries, Non-operative management
  • Badjatia, Neeraj , MD, MS, Professor
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    Keywords: targeted temperature management, machine learning, nutrition and metabolism, inflammation, traumatic brain injury
  • Benavides, David Roger , MD, PhD, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: Clinical Neuroscience, Neuroimmunology, Neuroinflammatory and Demyelinating Diseases, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO), Transverse Myelitis (TM), Autoimmune Encephalitis (AE), Neuronal Plasticity, Signal Transduction
  • Bever, Christopher T., MD, MBA, Professor Emeritus
    (410) 605-7130
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  • Blaine, Andrea C., MS, Adjunct Instructor
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  • Braun, Robynne G., MD, PhD, Associate Professor
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    Keywords: Stroke, rehabilitation, upper extremity, motor control, kinematics
  • Butt, Bilal , MD, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: Large Hemispheric strokes, Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Fellow/Resident/Medical Student teaching
  • Chaturvedi, Seemant , MD, Professor
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    Keywords: stroke, transient ischemic attack, carotid stenosis
  • Chauhan, Chandana , MBBS, Assistant Professor
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  • Chen, Renwu , MD, Clinical Assistant Professor
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  • Chen, Stephanie H., MD, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: epilepsy, seizure disorders, epilepsy surgery, epilepsy and imaging
  • Ciryam, Prajwal , MD, PhD, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: traumatic brain injury, subarachnoid hemorrhage, delayed cerebral ischemia, neuroimmunology, transcriptomics, proteomics
  • Cole, John W., MD, Professor
    (410) 328-6483 (office)
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    Keywords: Stroke Prevention, Stroke Genetics, Genetic Epidemiology of Complex Disease, Vascular Biology
  • Crino, Peter B., MD, PhD, Professor
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    Keywords: Epilepsy, Autism, Intellectual Disability, Brain Development, Translational Neuroscience, mTOR, focal cortical dysplasia, tuberous sclerosis complex
  • Cronin, Carolyn A., MD, PhD, Associate Professor
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    Keywords: Stroke
  • Culpepper, William J., PhD, Adjunct Assistant Professor
    410-605-7000, x4341
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    Keywords: epidemiology, multiple sclerosis, health services research, comorbidity
  • Cupka, Bryan J., MD, Adjunct Instructor
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    Keywords: Electromyography, Nerve Conduction Studies, General Neurology
  • Cusack, Thomas J., MD, MS, MBA, Assistant Professor
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  • Dahal, Shishir , PhD, Post Doc Fellow
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  • Darvish, Mahtab , MD, Visiting Post-Doctoral Fellow
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  • Dash, Paul D., MD, Assistant Professor
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  • Detrich, Terry P., MD, Adjunct Assistant Professor
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  • Dona, Samuel T., MD, Assistant Professor
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  • Ercan, Hasan , MD, Adjunct Assistant Professor
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  • Favorito, Crystal , BS, Research Fellow
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  • Fishman, Paul S., MD, PhD, Clinical Professor
    (410)-328 5803
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    Keywords: Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, ALS, neurodegenerative disease, deep brain stimulation, DBS, focused ultrasound, FUS, blood-brain barrier, botulinum toxin, tetanus toxin, stem cells, magnetic targeting
  • Fredrich, Sarah E., MD, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: Autoimmune encephalitis, Multiple Sclerosis, Neuroimmunology, Autoimmune Neurology, Neuromyelitis Optica, Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Associate Diseases, Sarcoidosis, Paraneoplastic Encephalitis, Demyelinating Diseases, Transverse Myelitis
  • Gorman, Peter H., MD, MS, Clinical Professor
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    Keywords: Neurologic Rehabilitation, Spinal Cord Injury, Exercise and Robotic Rehabilitation.
  • Gourab, Krishnaj , MBBS, Clinical Associate Professor
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  • Grattan, Lynn M., PhD, Professor Emerita
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  • Grimes, Kathryn M., MD, Clinical Assistant Professor
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  • Gutierrez, Camilo A., MD, Associate Professor
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    Keywords: epilepsy, seizure disorders, epilepsy surgery, health disparities in epilepsy, education in epilepsy
  • Harrison, Daniel M., MD, Professor
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    Keywords: Multiple Sclerosis, MRI, Neuroimaging, Clinical Trials
  • Hogans, Beth B., MS, MD, PhD, Adjunct Associate Professor
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  • Hopp, Jennifer L., MD, Professor
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    Keywords: Epilepsy Clinical Neurophysiology Epilepsy and Depression Critical Care EEG
  • Iffland, Philip H., PhD, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: Cortical malformations, epilepsy, GATORopathies, mTORopathies, hemimegalencephaly, focal cortical dysplasia, PMSE, KPTN
  • Inscore, Anjeli B., PsyD, Associate Professor
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    Keywords: cognitive, aging, dementia, functional status
  • Jin, Peter H., MD, Clinical Assistant Professor (Non-Adjunct Faculty)
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  • Kabir, Arif A., MD, Adjunct Assistant Professor
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  • Kannan, Balaji , PhD, Post Doc Fellow
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  • Karri, Jay V., MD, MPH, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: neuromodulation, chronic pain, public health
  • Karuppanan, Udayakumar , PhD, Post Doc Fellow
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    Keywords: Optical coherence tomography, Laser optics imaging systems, Image processing, tissue phantom, ultrasound testing.
  • Khadjevand, Mehraneh , MD, Faculty Member
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  • Khan, Omar Iqbal , MBBS, Adjunct Associate Professor
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  • Khan, Tasleema , MD, Assistant Professor
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  • Kittner, Steven J., MD, Professor
    (410) 328-6485 (office)
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    Keywords: Stroke, Cerebrovascular Disease, Young Adults, Epidemiology, Genetics
  • Klein, Adam P., DO, Assistant Professor
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  • Konikkara, John Joseph , MBBS, Adjunct Assistant Professor
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  • Krumholz, Allan , MD, Professor Emeritus
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    Keywords: First seizure evaluation and management, driving and epilepsy, seizures following cardiac arrest, nonconvulsive status epilepticus, psychogenic seizures, neurosarcoidosis, evoked potential clinical applications.
  • Lai, Ty D., MD, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: Physical medicine, rehabilitation, musculoskeletal disorders, neuropathic pain, gait dysfunction.
  • LaRosa, Rachel L., MD, Assistant Professor
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  • Livezey, Viveca B., MD, Adjunct Assistant Professor
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  • Luft, Andreas R., MD, Adjunct Assistant Professor
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  • Majmundar, Shyam , MD, Assistant Professor
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  • Mangalapudi, Amar Madhuri , MD, Assistant Professor
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  • Mehndiratta, Prachi , MBBS, Associate Professor
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    Keywords: Stroke, Transient ischemic attack, Intracerebral hemorrhage, Gender disparities, Stroke in young.
  • Merino, Jose G., MD, MPhil, Adjunct Associate Professor
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    Keywords: Stroke, Acute stroke management, MRI
  • Morris, Nicholas A., MD, Associate Professor
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    Keywords: Multimodality Monitoring, Medical Simulation, Assessment, Pain and Patient-Centered Outcomes after Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Brain-Heart Connection, Disparities in Emergency Neurology Care Delivery, Triage
  • Motta, Melissa , MD, MPH, Associate Professor
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    Keywords: Neurointensive care, Stroke, Health Services Research, Patient Reported Outcomes Research, Patient and Family Centered Care.
  • Mwaisela, Francis J., MD, Adjunct Assistant Professor
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  • Oh, Sangjin , MD, Adjunct Assistant Professor
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  • Papaminas, Catherine I., PhD, Adjunct Assistant Professor
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  • Parikh, Gunjan Y., MD, Associate Professor
    (410) 328-4515
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    Keywords: High Reliability, Safety, Quality, Patient Experience, Intracerebral Hemorrhage, Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Traumatic Brain Injury, Translational Neuroscience, Multimodality Monitoring, Neuroimaging, Triage and Interhospital transfer of Neuroscience Patients
  • Pergakis, Melissa B., MD, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: Education research, simulation research, large hemispheric infarct, physiologic modeling
  • Pham, Lily C., MD, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: Primary brain tumor, glioma, glioblastoma, astrocytoma, oligodendroglioma, primary CNS lymphoma, meningioma, rare brain tumors
  • Phipps, Michael S., MD, MHS, Associate Professor
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    Keywords: Cerebrovascular Disease,Ischemic Stroke, Intracerebral Hemorrhage, Health Services Research, Medical Informatics, Outcomes, Quality of Care
  • Podell, Jamie E., MD, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: Neurocritical care, traumatic brain injury, paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity, autonomic dysfunction, neuroimaging, physiologic modeling, neuromodulation
  • Porter, Neil C., MD, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: Muscular Dystrophy, Neuromusclar disorders
  • Pritchard, Jennifer M., MD, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: Epilepsy, Neurology, Seizure Disorder, EEG Monitoring, ICU EEG, Epilepsy Surgery, Psychogenic Non-epileptic Seizures
  • Pula, Thaddeus , MD, Adjunct Assistant Professor
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  • Reggia, James , MD, Adjunct Professor
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  • Reich, Stephen G., MD, Professor
    (410) 328-7809
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    Keywords: Parkinson's disease; Progressive supranuclear palsy; multi system atrophy; corticobasal syndrome; parkinsonian syndromes; Movement Disorders; Dystonia; Tremor; Gait Disorders; Dizziness; General Neurology; Bell's Palsy; History of Neurology
  • Roberds, Steven L., PhD, Adjunct Associate Professor
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  • Rocksmith, Eugenio R., MD, Assistant Professor
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  • Roy, Anindo , PhD, Adjunct Associate Professor
    (410) 637-3241
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    Keywords: Rehabilitation, Robotics, Recovery, Motor Control, Stroke, Biomechanics
  • Royal, Walter , MD, Adjunct Professor
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  • Rus, Horea G., MD, PhD, Adjunct Professor
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  • Savitt, Joseph M., MD, PhD, Associate Professor
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    Keywords: Parkinson disease, Progressive supranuclear palsy, Multiple system atrophy, Corticobasal Syndrome, Cerebellar ataxia, Essential tremor, Restless legs syndrome, Dystonia, Chorea, Deep Brain Stimulation, Botulinum toxin, Chemodenervation, Sialorrhea, Hemifacial spasm.
  • Schulman, Emily E., MD, Clinical Assistant Professor
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  • Sheth, Kevin N., MD, Adjunct Assistant Professor
    (410) 328-3872
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  • Shulman, Lisa M., MD, Professor
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    Keywords: Clinical Practice Special Interests: Management of Parkinson disease and parkinsonism, dystonia, tremor, chorea, tics, myoclonus, gait disorders, tardive dyskinesia, dementia, memory disorders and Botulinum toxin injections for movement disorders, the effects of movement and memory disorders on daily function and quality of life, exercise interventions, gait problems, self-management, self-efficacy, caregiver strain, outcomes research, data visualization and health disparities,Parkinson's Research - Biomarkers, Informatics and Outcomes Visualization
  • Stack, Christopher A., MD, Adjunct Assistant Professor
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  • Stern, Barney J., MD, Adjunct Professor
    (410) 328-3372
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    Keywords: Stroke, stroke in the young, intracranial atherosclerosis Sarcoidosis, Neurosarcoidosis
  • Swartz, Brenda J., PsyD, Adjunct Assistant Professor
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  • Tang, Cha-Min , MD, PhD, Professor
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  • Taylor, Richard L., MD, BA, Adjunct Professor
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  • Testa, S. Marc , PhD, Adjunct Assistant Professor
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  • Theyagaraj, Melita M., MBBS, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: Amputee rehabilitation, Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation,
  • Uhl, George R., MD, PhD, Professor
    401 605 7000 x 56612
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    Keywords: Neurology, Neuropharmacology, Complex genetics, Molecular neurobiology, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, Pain, Restless Leg Syndrome, Addiction, Drug development
  • von Coelln, Friedrich Rainer , DrMed, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: Parkinson's disease, Parkinson disease, PSP, MSA, CBS/CBD, dystonia, ataxia, tics, chorea, involuntary movements, genetics, gait analysis, big data, data visualization.
  • Wallin, Mitchell T., MD, MPH, Clinical Associate Professor
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    Keywords: Multiple Sclerosis, Neuroepidemiology, Global Health, Neuroinfections, Telemedicine
  • Woodward, Matthew R., DO, Assistant Professor
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  • Wozniak, Marcella A., MD, PhD, Professor
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    Keywords: Ischemic stroke, Stroke Treatment, Stroke Prevention, MELAS
  • Wright, Megan E., MS, Adjunct Instructor
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  • Yeasmin, Selina , DNP, MBBS, Adjunct Instructor
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  • Zilliox, Lindsay A., MD, Associate Professor
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    Keywords: neuropathy, diabetic neuropathy, clinical neurophysiology, electromyography, autonomic nervous system testing