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Scott E. Devine, PhD

Academic Title:

Associate Professor

Primary Appointment:



Health Sciences Facility III, 670 West Baltimore St, Baltimore 21201

Phone (Primary):

(410) 706-2343

Education and Training

1987-1993: Doctor of Philosophy, Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Maryland, Baltimore
1993-1999: Postdoctoral Fellow, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine


Scott Devine is a faculty member at the Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) and an Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland. He is primarily interested in human genome variation and how such variation affects human health.


2000-2009: Assistant Professor, Emory University School of Medicine
2009-present: Associate Professor, Dept. of Medicine and Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland School of Medicine
2011-2021: Genome Biology Track Leader, Molecular Medicine Graduate Program

Research/Clinical Keywords

Human genome; genetic variation; mobile genetic elements; cancer genomics

Highlighted Publications

Chuang NT, Gardner EJ, Terry DM, Crabtree J, Mahurkar AA, Rivell GL, Hong CC, Perry JA, Devine SE. (2021).  Mutagenesis of human genomes by endogenous mobile elements on a population scale.  Genome Res. 31: 2225-22235.  PMID: 34772701.

Ebert P, Audano PA, Zhu Q.....Devine SE, Lee C, Korbel JO, Marschall T, Eichler EE. (2021).  Haplotype-resolved diverse human genomes and integrated analysis of structural variation.  Science 372: eabf7117.  PMID: 33632895.

Chaisson MJP, Sanders AD, Zhao X, Malhotra A.....Devine SE, Talkowski M, Mills RE, Marschall T, Korbel J, Eichler, EE, and Lee, C.  (2019).  Multi-platform discovery of haplotype-resolved structural variation in human genomes.  Nature Communications, 10(1):1784. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-08148-z. PMID: 30992455

Gardner EJ, Lam VK, Harris DN, Chuang NT, Scott EC, Pittard WS, Mills RE, 1000 Genomes Project Consortium, and Devine SE.  (2017).  The Mobile Element Locator Tool (MELT):  Population-scale mobile element discovery and biology.  Genome Res. 27, 1916-1929.  Epub 2017 Aug 30.

Scott EC, and Devine SE.  (2017).  The role of somatic L1 retrotransposition in human cancers.  Viruses 9 (6) 131.

Scott EC, Gardner EJ, Masood A, Chuang NT, Vertino PM, and Devine SE. (2016).  A hot L1 retrotransposon evades somatic repression and initiates human colorectal cancer. Genome Res. 26, 745-755. (Cover article).

Sudmant PH*, Raush T*, Gardner EJ*, Handsaker RE*, Abyzov A*, Huddleston J*, Zhang Y*, Ye K*, Jun G, His-Yang Fritz M, Konkel MK, Malhotra A, Stutz AM, Shi X, Paolo Casale F, Chen J, Hormozdiari F, Dayama G, Chen K, Malig M, Chaisson MJ, Walter K, Meiers S, Kashin S, Garrison E, Auton A, Lam HY,  Mu X, Alkan C, Antaki D, Bae T, Cerveira E, Chines P, Chong Z, Clarke L, Dal E, Ding L, Emery S, Fan X, Gujral M, Kahveci F, Kidd JM, Kong Y, Lameijer EW, McCarthy S, Flicek P, Gibbs RA, Marth G, Mason CE, Menelaou A, Muzny DM, Nelson BJ, Noor A, Parrish NF, Pendleton M, Quitadamo A, Raeder B, Schadt EE, Romanovitch M, Schlattl A, Sebra R, Shabalin AA, Untergasser A, Walker JA, Wang M, Yu F, Zhang C, Zhang J, Zheng-Bradley X, Zhou W, Zichner T, Sebat J, Batzer MA, McCarroll SA, 1000 Genome Project Consortium, Mills RE#, Gerstein MB#, Bashir A#, Stegle O#, Devine SE#, Lee C#, Eichler EE#, and Korbel JO.# (2015).  An integrated map of structural variation in 2,504 human genomes.  Nature 526, 75-81.   * Joint First Authors.  # Joint senior authors.

The 1000 Genomes Project Consortium (including Devine, S.E.) (2015) A global reference for human genetic variation.  Nature 526, 68-74.

The 1000 Genomes Project Consortium (including, Devine, S.E.) (2012) An integrated map of genetic variation from 1,092 human genomes.  Nature 491, 56-65.  

Mills RE, Pittard WS, Mullaney JM, Farooq U, Creasy TH, Mahurkar AA, Kemeza DM, Strassler DS, Ponting CP, Webber C, and Devine SE. (2011) Natural genetic variation caused by small insertions and deletions in the human genome.  Genome Res. 21, 830-839.

Iskow RC, McCabe MT, Mills RE, Torene S, Van Meir EG, Vertino PM, and Devine SE. (2010) Natural mutagenesis of human genomes by endogenous retrotransposons. Cell 141, 1253-1261.

Links of Interest
