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Ilia V. Baskakov, PhD

Academic Title:


Primary Appointment:


Secondary Appointment(s):

BioChemistry&Molecular Biology


GRB, 111 S. Penn St., 307C

Phone (Primary):

(410) 706-4562


(410) 706-8184

Education and Training

I graduated from Moscow University with a M.S. degree in bioorganic chemistry and obtained a Ph.D. degree in biophysics from the Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. I received postdoctoral training in biophysics and protein folding with Wayne Bolen at University of Texas Medical Branch and on prions with Nobel laureate Stanley Prusiner at UCSF. In UTMB, I established a pioneering approach for folding natively unfolded proteins. With Dr. Bolen, we described a new thermodynamic force that contributes to protein folding and stability more than 40 years after Kauzmann introduced four basic thermodynamic forces responsible for protein folding. As a postdoctoral fellow with Stanley Prusiner, I laid the ground work on synthetic prions and showed for the very first time that the transmissible prion disease can be induced in animals using amyloid fibrils prepared in vitro.


1996-1998       Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, Supervisor Dr. D.W. Bolen

1999-2001       Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, San Francisco, CA, Supervisor Dr. S.B. Prusiner

2001-2006       Assistant Professor, Medical Biotechnology Center, University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute, Baltimore, MD, USA

2006-2009       Associate Professor, Medical Biotechnology Center, University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute, Baltimore, MD, USA.

2010-2013       Associate Professor, Center for Biomedical Engineering and Technology and Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA

2013 – present Professor, Center for Biomedical Engineering and Technology and Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA

Research/Clinical Keywords

neurodegenerative diseases, prion diseases, neuroinflammation, reactive astrocytes, reactive microglia, Alzheimer's disease

Highlighted Publications

Bocharova, O., Fisher, A., Pandit, N.P, Molesworth, K., Mychko, O., Scott, A.J., Makarava, N., Ritzel, R., Baskakov, I.V. 2022 Ab plaques do not protect against HSV-1 infection in a mouse model of familial Alzheimer’s disease, and HSV-1 does not induce Ab pathology in a model of late onset Alzheimer’s disease. Brain Pathology, e13116.

Kushwaha, R., Sinha, A., Makarava, N., Molesworth, K., Baskakov, I.V. 2021 Non-cell autonomous astrocyte-mediated neuronal toxicity in prion diseases. Acta Neuropathol Commun. 9(1): e22. PMCID: PMC7866439.

Makarava, N., Mychko, O., Chang, J.C.Y., Molesworth, K., Baskakov, I.V. 2021 The degree of astrocyte activation is predictive of the incubation time to prion diseases. Acta Neuropathol Commun. 9(1): e87. PMCID: PMC8114720.

Makarava, N., Chang, J.C., Molesworth, K., Baskakov, I.V. 2020 Posttranslational modifications define course of prion strain adaptation and disease phenotype. J Clin Invest.  V130(8) p.4382-4395, PMID: 32484800

Makarava, N., Chang, J.C., Molesworth, K., Baskakov, I.V. 2020 Region-specific glial homeostatic signature in prion diseases is replaced by a uniform neuroinflammation signature, common for brain regions and prion strains with different cell tropism. Neurobiol Disease 137:104783 PMID: 32001329

Makarava, N., Savtchenko, R., Lasch, P., Beekes, M. Baskakov, I.V. 2018 Preserving prion strain identity upon replication of prions in vitro using recombinant prion protein. Acta Neuropathol Commun. 6(1): e92. PMCID: PMC6134792

Srivastava, S., Katorcha, E., Makarava, N., Barrett, J.P., Loane, D.J., Baskakov, I.V. 2018 Inflammation response of microglia is controlled by sialylation of PrPSc. Sci Rep., v.8, e11326. 

Katorcha, E., Gonzalez-Montalban, N., Makarava, N.., Kovacs, G.G., Baskakov, I.V. 2018 Prion replication environment defines the fate of prion strain adaptation. PLoS Pathogen, v.13(8), e1006563. PMCID: PMC6013019

Katorcha, E., Makarava, N., Lee, Y.J., Lindberg, I., Monteiro, M.J., Kovacs, G.G., Baskakov, I.V. 2017 Cross-seeding of prions by aggregated a-synuclein leads to transmissible spongiform encephalopathy, PLoS Pathog., v.13(8), e1006563. PMCID: PMC5567908

Srivastava, S., Katorcha, E., Daus, M.L., Lasch, P., Beekes, M., Baskakov, I.V. 2017 Sialylation controls prion fate in vivo. J.Biol.Chem. v. 292, p.2359-2368. PMID: 27998976 PMCID: PMC5313106

Katorcha, E., Daus, M.L., Gonzalez-Montalban, N., Makarava, N., Lasch, P., Beekes, M., Baskakov, I.V. 2016 Reversible off and on switching of prion infectivity via removing and reinstalling prion sialylation. Sci Rep., v.6, e33119.

Makarava, N., Savtchenko, R., Alexeeva , I., Rohwer , R.G., Baskakov, I.V. 2016 New molecular insight into mechanism of evolution of mammalian synthetic prions. American Journal of Pathology, v. 186(4), p. 1006-1014. PMCID: in process

Srivastava, S., Makarava, N., Katorcha, E., Savtchenko, R., Brossmer, R., Baskakov, I.V. 2015 Post-conversion sialylation of prions in lymphoid tissues. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA PLUS, p.E6654-6662

Katorcha, E., Makarava, N., Savtchenko, R., D’Arzo, A., Baskakov, I.V. 2014 Sialylation of prion protein controls the rate of prion amplification, the cross-species barrier, the ratio of PrPSc glycoform and prion infectivity. PLoS Pathog.,  v.10, e1004366

Makarava, N., Kovacs, G.G., Savtchenko, R., Alexeeva, I., Ostapchenko, V., Budka, H., Rohwer, R.G., Baskakov, I.V. 2012,  A New Mechanism for Transmissible Prion Diseases. J. Neurosci, v..32, p. 7345-7355. 

Makarava, N., Savtchenko, R., Alexeeva, I., Rohwer, R.G., Baskakov, I.V. 2012, Fast and ultrasensitive method for quantitating prion infectivity titre. Nature Commun., v. 3, p.741.

Makarava, N., Kovacs, G.G., Bocharova, O., Savtchenko, R., Alexeeva , I., Budka, H., Rohwer , R.G., Baskakov, I.V. 2010  Recombinant prion protein induces a new transmissible prion disease in wild type animals, Acta Neuropathol. 119, p177-178; PMID: 20052481.




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