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CIRTL Information Session

Thursday, January 18

12 p.m. - 1 p.m.


Register Here

Are you interested in learning best practices in teaching STEM in higher education? Interested in pursuing teaching faculty positions in the future? Please join us to learn about the CIRTL program at UMB!  In 2023, UMB was invited to join the Center for Integration, Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) Network. The CIRTL Network aims to advance the teaching of STEM disciplines in higher education. Founded in 2003, as the National Science Foundation Center for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, CIRTL uses graduate education as the leverage point in developing a national faculty committed to implementing and advancing effective teaching practices. UMB graduate students and postdocs can benefit from CIRTL.

Industry Career Affinity Group - Resume Workshop

Wednesday, January 24

12 p.m. - 1 p.m.

HSF III - Room 1010

Register Here

Is your CV many pages long? How can you turn this into a 2-page resume? Come to this workshop and learn what to include and what to leave off your resume.

Immigration and Visas for Researchers with Brendan Delaney, JD

Thursday, January 25

12 p.m. - 1 p.m.


Register Here

Foreign national researchers face challenges in navigating their employment opportunities and career paths in the United States due to visa and immigration-related issues. This session will review and discuss the temporary visa options, the issues with these, and other options as your career progresses. At Frank & Delaney Immigration Law, LLC, Brendan Delaney represents foreign-born nationals, and US employers with their US immigration matters.

Negotiation Skills Practice

Monday, February 5

12 p.m. - 1 p.m.

HSF III - Room 6020

No Registration Necessary

Come practice negotiation skills and gain experience looking at various perspectives involved in negotiations.

Strategies for a Successful Postdoc Series - Week 1 - Finding a New Postdoc

Thursday, February 8

12 p.m. - 1 p.m.

HSF III - Room 6020

Register by Monday, February 5

Are you a grad student thinking about the next step? Are you a postdoc who is looking for an additional postdoc position? Come to this session & start to think about your priorities & how you can best match them in a postdoc.

Strategies for a Successful Postdoc Series - Week 2 - Timeline for a Successful Postdoc

Thursday, February 15

12 p.m. - 1 p.m.

HSF III - Room 6020

Register by Monday, February 12

Are you a grad student thinking about the next step? Are you a postdoc who just began? Are you a postdoc who has been here for several years? At whatever stage you find yourself, come and hear about activities and milestones you should be considering at each stage.

How to Recognize and Assist People in Distress

Wednesday, February 21

12 p.m. - 1 p.m.



During this event, you will learn how to assist people who may be experiencing mental health issues. Led by a member of the UMB Student Counseling Center, you will be introduced to a practical tool called the “Assisting Students in Distress Folder.” This folder contains a quick reference guide, as well as information on how to recognize symptoms and refer them for therapy or other immediate help.

Strategies for a Successful Postdoc Series - Week 3 - Getting the Most Out of Your Mentoring Relationships

Thursday, February 22

12 p.m. - 1 p.m.

HSF III - Room 6020

Register by Monday, February 19

How can you best communicate with your mentor? How can you handle any conflict that may arise? Come to this session and learn some pointers.

Introduction to Grant Writing, Submission, and the Review Process

Wednesday, February 28

9 a.m. - 10 a.m.



Do you know what an F31 is? How about a T32 or an R01? Grants and all things surrounding them can be confusing. In this introduction section, we will walk through some of the acronyms, the submission and review process, and considerations for writing a training grant.

Industry Career Affinity Group - Science Communications Panel

Wednesday, February 28

12 p.m. - 1 p.m.



Interested in science writing in some form for your next career step? Come and hear about the science writing career path and the different positions within this.


Faculty Career Affinity Group - Resource Day

Monday, March 4

12 p.m. - 1 p.m.

HSF III - Room 6020

No registration required.

So many resources and tools for getting a position in academia exist, but which ones are helpful and to whom? Come and share ones you find helpful and learn about new ones.

NIH Biosketch Workshop

Wednesday, March 6

12 p.m. - 1 p.m.

HSF III - Room 1010


A biosketch documents an individual's qualifications and experience for a specific role in a project. NIH requires submission of a biosketch for each proposed senior/key personnel and other significant contributor on a grant application.

Whether you are applying for an NIH grant in a month or have no specific plans, this document is always nice to have on hand, ready to go. Come to this workshop and learn what you should include on a biosketch and how you can best describe your contributions to science.

Simple Visual Analytics Tool: POD-Vis

Thursday, March 28

12 p.m. - 1 p.m.



POD-Vis (Probing Outcomes Data with Visual Analytics) is a web-based visual analytics tool that explores and analyzes all types of data. Developed through a collaboration between Dr. Lisa Shulman (Neurology) and Anup Mahurkar (IGS Informatics Resource Center), POD-Vis is designed for easy data visualization and analysis by non-data scientists. Using the simple clinical language of predictors and outcomes, you will learn to explore interrelationships between study variables, develop preliminary data, and generate hypotheses. This session will provide a comprehensive overview and demonstration of POD-Vis.

Center for Innovative Biomedical Resources Overview

Wednesday, April 10

12 p.m. - 1 p.m.

HSF III - Room 6010


The Center for Innovative Biomedical Resources gives access to sophisticated instrumentation, as well as highly-trained technical staff who can offer support to faculty on experimental design, data analysis, and interpretation. Come and learn what resources are available for you and your lab.
