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Mini-Med School


Please note that we will not be able to hold our 2024 Mini-Med School Program. However, we look forward to bringing the program back in an even better format, and at a more accessible location. More information will be coming in the future. In the meantime, we hope everyone is taking steps to stay as healthy as possible during the coming months. We will keep you informed, and we look forward to seeing you again when we return.

Mini-Med School logo

Helping Baltimore Residents Improve their Health & Well-Being

Offered as a public service, Mini-Medical School ("Mini-Med School") is a tuition-free lecture series provided by University of Maryland School of Medicine faculty, during which the lay public learns about diseases and their prevention.

The program began 18 years ago with a session for adults and has now expanded to adult seniors and local city youth.

Over 8,000 local community members have participated in the Mini-Med School Program!

Mini-Med School Programs

Mini-Med School

More than 400 Baltimore area residents attend the University of Maryland School of Medicine's annual Mini-Med School program. Presented by faculty physicians, Mini-Med School lectures are designed to be casual, fun, and informative, while focusing on health care issues that are important to everyone.

Dr. Blitzer teaching a class of seniors at Mini-Med SchoolSeniors Medical Symposium

The University of Maryland School of Medicine in partnership with the Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) provides a six-week seminar. The Seniors Medical Symposium is geared towards adult seniors who are interested in the latest advances in medicine and science.

Seniors Medical Symposium >

Doctor speaking with a Mini-Med School student dressed as a doctor

Mini-Med School For Kids

July 2022 marks the 14th year that the University of Maryland School of Medicine will host its annual Mini-Med School for Kids program‌. Mini-Med School for Kids brings medicine, science, and the importance of health to children in an interactive and exciting way!

Mini-Med School for Kids >

For More Information

To learn more about our Mini-Med School programs, please contact:

Office of Public Affairs
Offices of the Dean
University of Maryland School of Medicine
(410) 706-8518
