Central Maryland AHEC
Formerly the Baltimore Area Health Education Center (BAHEC)
"Strengthening a workforce in partnership with community"

The Central Maryland Area Health Education Center (Central Maryland AHEC) was established in 2003 as a vital link between the academic resources of the University of Maryland Baltimore, other major academic health centers, and local community organizations.
Central Maryland AHEC's mission is to eliminate health disparities by educating and strengthening the health care workforce. Central Maryland AHEC provides interdisciplinary educational programs that bridge academic, healthcare, and community settings to transform the health of underserved Baltimore City and County. Prince George’s, Anne Arundel, Howard, Carroll, and Harford Counties.
Central Maryland AHEC Programs
Central Maryland AHEC helps to accomplish its mission with two main programs:
Community Health Workers (CHW)
Training and continuing education that promotes the improved utilization and effectiveness of this evolving health profession.
Aims to enhance interdisciplinary education efforts at UMB/UMMC by training medical, nursing, and physician assistant students in and about underserved Baltimore.
Funding and Location
Centeral Maryland AHEC is a separate 501 c(3) non-profit and is supported by the University of Maryland Medical Center Community Benefits. The non-profit and staffing is physically located at the University of Maryland Midtown Campus.
To learn more, visit www.centralmarylandahec.org.