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Joshua M. Abzug, MD

Academic Title:


Primary Appointment:


Secondary Appointment(s):


Administrative Title:

Deputy Surgeon-In-Chief, UM Childrens Hospital And Vice-Chair Of The Dean's Council For Pediatric Surgery; Vice Chair for Clinical & Administrative Affairs

Additional Title:

Director of Pediatric Orthopaedics, University of Maryland Medical Center; Director, University of Maryland Brachial Plexus Clinic


University of Maryland Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine at Timonium, Suite 300

Education and Training

PennState College of Medicine, MD

Drexel University College of Medicine, Residency in Orthopaedic Surgery

St. Christopher's Hospital for Children, Fellowship in Pediatric Orthopaedics

Shriners Hospitals for Children-Philadelphia, Fellowship in Pediatric Orthopaedics

Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Fellowship in Hand Surgery


Dr. Abzug is a pediatric orthopaedist who has completed specialty training in problems related to the entire pediatric upper extremity and fractures involving the whole body. He is actively involved in teaching medical students, residents, and fellows as part of his position at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. In addition, he teaches numerous physicians at the local, regional, and national levels.

Dr. Abzug is also actively involved in research projects pertaining to the pediatric upper extremity and has presented his findings locally, nationally, and internationally. The research has been published in medical journals. Dr. Abzug has also authored multiple book chapters.

He is certified by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery.

Research/Clinical Keywords

Pediatric fractures, pediatric orthopaedics, pediatric upper extremity

Highlighted Publications

Abzug JM, Schwartz BS, Johnson AJ. Assessment of splints applied for pediatric fractures in an emergency department/urgent care environment. J Pediatr Orthop 2017 [Epub ahead of print, January 5].

Malik A, Jazini E, Song X, Johal H, O'Hara N, Slobogean G, Abzug JM. Positional change in displacement of midshaft clavicle fractures: An aid to initial evaluation. J Orthop Trauma 2017;31(1):e9–e12.

Abzug JM, Dua K, Bauer AS, Cornwall R, Wyrick TO. Pediatric phalanx fractures. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2016;24(11):e174–e183.

Dua K, Lancaster TP, Abzug JM. Age-dependent reliability of Semmes-Weinstein and 2-point discrimination tests in children. J Pediatr Orthop 2016 [Epub ahead of print, October 21].

Chin K, Abzug JM, Bae DS, Horn BD, Herman M, Eberson CP. Avoiding errors in the management of pediatric polytrauma patients. Instr Course Lect 2016;65:345–352.

Brighton B, Abzug JM, Ho CA, Ritzman TF. Current strategies for the management of pediatric supracondylar humerus fractures: Tips and techniques for successful closed teratment. Instr Course Lect 2016;65:353–360.

Wingfield JJ, Ho CA, Abzug JM, Ritzman TF, Brighton B. Open reduction techniques for supracondylar humerus fractures in children. Instr Course Lect 2016;65:361–370.

Bouton D, Ho CA, Abzug JM, Brighton B, Ritzman TF. The difficult supracondylar humerus fracture: Flexion-type injuries. Instr Course Lect 2016;65:371–378.

Abzug JM, Ho CA, Ritzman TF, Brighton B. Transphyseal distal humerus fracture. Instr Course Lect 2016;65:379–384.

Pannu GS, Eberson CP, Abzug JM, Horn BD, Bae DS, Herman M. Common errors in the management of pediatric supracondylar humerus fractures and lateral condyle fractures. Instr Course Lect 2016;65:385–398.

Chin K, Kozin SH, Herman M, Horn BD, Eberson CP, Bae DS, Abzug JM. Pediatric Monteggia fracture-dislocations: Avoiding problems and managing complications. Instr Course Lect 2016;65:399–410.

Alexander C, Abzug JM, Johnson AJ, Pensy RA, Eglseder WA, Paryavi E. Motorcyclist's thumb: Carpometacarpal injuries of the thumb sustained in motorcycle crashes. J Hand Surg Eur Vol 2016;41(7):707–709.

Neufeld ME, O'Hara NN, Xhan M, Zhai Y, Broekhuyse HM, Lefaiver KA, Abzug JM, Slobogean GP. Timing of hip fracture surgery and 30-day outcomes. Orthopedics 2016;39(6):361–368.

Paryavi E, Schwartz BS, Meyer CL, Herman MJ, Abzug JM. Reliability and effectiveness of smartphone technology for the diagnosis and treatment planning of pediatric elbow trauma. J Pediatr Orthop 2016;36(5):483–487.

Leung S, Paryavi E, Herman JM, Sponseller PD, Abzug JM. Does the modified Gartland classification clarify decision making? J Pediatr Orthop 2016 [Epub ahead of print, March 11].

Abzug JM, Ho CA, Ritzman TF, Brighton BK. Transphyseal fracture of the distal humerus. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2016;24(2):e39–e44.

Abzug JM, O'TYoole RV, Paryavi E, Sterling R. Are orthopaedic residents competent at performing basic nonoperative procedures in an unsupervised setting? A "pop quiz" of casting, knee arthrocentesis, and pressure checks for compartment syndrome. J Pediatr Orthop 2016;36(1):e10–e13.

Dua K, McAvoy WC, Klaus SA, Rappaport DI, Rosenberg RE, Abzug JM. Hospitalist co-management of pediatric orthopaedic surgical patients at a community hospital. Md Med 2016;17(1):34–36.

Additional Publication Citations

Awards and Affiliations

Links of Interest
