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Participant Resources

Studies Recruiting Research Participants

Many studies recruiting participants have a link to that provides study and eligibility information and contact numbers.

Thank You for Your Participation!

The General Clinical Research Center (GCRC) is the center for clinical research within the University of Maryland. It is designed to provide researchers with the resources they need to conduct high-quality clinical research in a state-of-the art facility.

The General Clinical Research Center is located in the University of Maryland Medical Center, 22 South Greene St., South Hospital Building, on the tenth floor, occupying the D and C Wings. On the day of your visit, please go directly to the General Clinical Research Center to check-in unless otherwise instructed by your research study staff. See more information for your GCRC visit.

Research Subject Advocate (RSA)

The primary role of the GCRC Research Subject Advocate is to ensure all measures are taken to protect the rights and promote the safety of research participants. You are encouraged to contact the RSA with any questions, concerns or problems encountered related to your research participation.

Your Rights as a Research Participant

As a research participant, you have specific rights. Please read carefully the following information. If you have any questions, please contact any member of the staff.

Your rights include:

Access to Care

This includes medical care and treatment regardless of race, creed, gender, disability, national origin, or ability to pay. Care may include pain management, psychosocial and spiritual concerns.


You may expect a reasonable response to requests and needs for service or treatment within the center's capacity, its stated mission, and applicable laws and regulations.

Respect and Dignity

You will receive considerate, respectable care at all times and under all circumstances, with recognition of your personal dignity.

Personal Safety

You may expect reasonable protection and safety insofar as the medical center practices and environment are concerned.


You may have access to people outside of the medical center, as appropriate to your level of care and within the requirements of the research protocol.

Advance Directives

You can decide on future health care needs and appoint an agent to make healthcare decisions when you personally are unable to decide your care.


You will receive information that will help you understand and participate in a specific research study. This includes types of procedures and/or treatments, possible consequences, and the names of research staff. You have the right to refuse involvement in the research at any time without impacting your future care.

Continuity of Care

You may expect reasonable continuity of your care. You will know in advance your schedule of appointments and when physicians/investigators will be available. You will be informed about health care requirements after your discharge.

Privacy and Confidentiality

Your rights to privacy and confidentiality will be respected in all matters relating to your health within the limits of the law.

UMB Human Research Protections Office (HRPO)

The UMB Human Research Protections Program (HRPP) is an organization-wide system that protects the rights and welfare of human research participants who are enrolled in research conducted under the auspices of the University of Maryland Baltimore (UMB).

The Human Research Protections Office (HRPO) is the coordinating office for the HRPP and provides support for five Institutional Review Board panels, which conduct ethical and scientific review of all research involving human participants. It also provides oversight for over 1,800 active clinical research protocols.

Other Useful Links for Research Participants

We encourage participants to take an active role in the research process.

Research Participant Information

Informed Consent Process

General Health Information

  • NIH Health Information: This website links you to information about specific diseases and conditions.
  • MedlinePlus: MedlinePlus brings together authoritative information from National Library of Medicine, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and other government agencies and health-related organizations to help answer health questions.
  • Genetics Home Reference: This site of the National Library of Medicine is a consumer-friendly guide to understanding genetic conditions and the effects of genetic variations on human health.