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Center for Innovative Biomedical Resources (CIBR)

CIBR Handbook

CIBR Site Search

Services, Instrumentation, Supplies and Expertise to Enable Your Research.

Cores by Category

Animal Model Resource

Bioinformatics & Statistics

Clinical Resource

Cytometric & Bioassay

Drug Development Resource

Alphabetical Listing of Cores

Amish Research Center (ARC) Shopping cart icon with hyperlink to corresponding iLab

BIORESCO (Biomedical Resource Supply Core)

Biosensor Core (BSC) Shopping cart icon with hyperlink to corresponding iLab

Biostatistics and Informatics Core (UMGCCBIOSTATS) Shopping cart icon with hyperlink to corresponding iLab

Center for Biomolecular Therapeutics (CBT)

NMR | CryoEM | Xray Crystallography | & More Shopping cart icon with hyperlink to corresponding iLab

Center for Translational Research in Imaging (CTRIM) MRI | PET-CT | Xenogen | MRI-Guided Ultrasound Shopping cart icon with hyperlink to corresponding iLab

Center for Health-Related Informatics and Bioimaging (CHIB)

Clinical Pharmacology Unit

Clinical & Translational Research Informatics Center (CTRIC) Shopping cart icon with hyperlink to corresponding iLab

Computer Aided Drug Design Center

Confocal Microscopy Core (CMC) Shopping cart icon with hyperlink to corresponding iLab

Cytogenetics Laboratory *CLIA

Cytokine Core Laboratory (CCL) Shopping cart icon with hyperlink to corresponding iLab

Electron Microscopy Core (EMC) Shopping cart icon with hyperlink to corresponding iLab

Flow Cytometry Core (FCC) Shopping cart icon with hyperlink to corresponding iLab

Flow & Mass Cytometry Core (CVD_FLOW) Shopping cart icon with hyperlink to corresponding iLab

Flow Cytometry BLS-3, Infectious Cells

General Clinical Research Center (GCRC) Shopping cart icon with hyperlink to corresponding iLab 

Maryland Genomics *CLIA 

Mass Spectrometry Core (MS) Shopping cart icon with hyperlink to corresponding iLab

Musculoskeletal Physiology Service Center  Shopping cart icon with hyperlink to corresponding iLab

Nanofabrication and Characterization Core Shopping cart icon with hyperlink to corresponding iLab

Optum Labs Core Shopping cart icon with hyperlink to corresponding iLab

Pathology Biorepository Shared Services (PBSS) Shopping cart icon with hyperlink to corresponding iLab

Pathology Histology Core (PHC) Shopping cart icon with hyperlink to corresponding iLab

Pediatric Biochemical Genetics *CLIA

Pharmaceutical Research Computing

Quality Management System (QMS) Shopping cart icon with hyperlink to corresponding iLab

Red Blood Cell (RBC) Physiology and Hemostasis Core Shopping cart icon with hyperlink to corresponding iLab

Small Animal Surgery and Physiology (SASP) Core Shopping cart icon with hyperlink to corresponding iLab

Translational Genomics Lab (TGL) *CLIA Shopping cart icon with hyperlink to corresponding iLab

Translational Laboratory Shared Services (TLSS) Shopping cart icon with hyperlink to corresponding iLab

UMMS Biorepository (UMMS_BIOBANK) Shopping cart icon with hyperlink to corresponding iLab

Veterinary Resources (VR)  Shopping cart icon with hyperlink to corresponding iLab

Viral Vector Core (VVC) Shopping cart icon with hyperlink to corresponding iLab

Listing of iLabs

Schedule and Order Online: iLabs

Place orders for equipment and services from Cores via CIBR’s iLab Portal. Visit Schedule and Order Online: iLabs for more information, including how to get started!

Cores Currently Available Online:

Amish Research Center (ARC)
Dr. Alan Shuldiner
Dr. Braxton Mitchell

Biosensor Core (BSC)
Dr. Robert J. Bloch
Dr. Yinghua Zhang

Biostatistics and Informatics Core (UMGCCCBIOSTATS)
Dr. Soren Benson

Center for Biomolecular Therapeutics (CBT) 
NMR | CryoEM | Xray Crystallography | & More
Dr. David Weber

Center for Translational Research in Imaging (CTRIM)
MRI | PET-CT | Xenogen | MRI-Guided Ultrasound
Dr. Rao Gullapalli

Confocal Microscopy Core (CMC)
Dr Thomas Blanpied
Dr. Joseph Mauban

Clinical & Translational Research Informatics Center (CTRIC)
Dr. Kathleen Tracy

Cytokine Core Lab (CCL)
Dr. Jeffrey Hasday
Lisa Hester

Electron Microscopy Core (EMC) 
Dr. Christine Brantner

Flow Cytometry Core (FCC)
Dr. Xiaoxuan Fan

Flow & Mass Cytometry  Core (CVD_FLOW)
Dr. Marcelo Sztein
Regina Harley

General Clinical Research Center (GCRC)
Dr. Stephen Davis
Meghan Banchero

Mass Spectrometry Core (MS) 
Dr. Maureen Kane
Jace Jones

Musculoskeletal Physiology Service Center
Dr. Chris Ward
Dr. Joseph Stains

Nanofabrication and Characterization Core
Dr. Regina Adão

Optum Labs Core
Dr. Rozalina McCoy

Pathology Histology Core (PHC)
Clinical reference lab managed by Pathology Dept.
Perry Comegys & Norma Colocho

Pathology Biorepository Shared Services (PBSS)
Dr. Olga Ioffe

Quality Management System (QMS)
Karen Hughes, Test Facility Manager
Michelle Ross, Director of Quality Assurance
Susan Messics, Manager of Document Control

Red Blood Cell (RBC) Physiology and Hemostasis Core
Dr. Stephen Rogers

Small Animal Surgery and Physiology (SASP) Core
Dr. Qihong Wang

Translational Genomics Core (TGL) *CLIA
Dr. Nicholas Ambulos

Translational Laboratory Shared Service (TLSS)
Dr. Rena Lapidus

UMMS Biorepository (UMMS_BIOBANK)
Dr. Coleen Damcott

Viral Vector Core (VVC)
Dr. Ramesh Chandra


Contact Us

University of Maryland School of Medicine,
Center for Innovative Biomedical Resources

655 W. Baltimore Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21201

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